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The association "Aktion Kinderträume – Verein der Deutschen Fleischwirtschaft e.V." was founded in September 2004 on the initiative of Wilhelm Leuze (Friedrich Dick GmbH & Co. KG), Clemens Tönnies (TönniesFleisch Group) and Uli Hoeneß. The founders obtained support from well-known personalities including Josef Schnusenberg (Chairman of FC Schalke 04) and Karl-Heinz Funke (former Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry), all members of the Board of our association.
With immense personal commitment, the patron Margit Tönnies is responsible for the operational work of the association. We have made it our mission to help needy children, juveniles and their families. For the past five years, we specifically fulfil the special needs and dreams of seriously ill and severely disabled children. We work closely together with the German Children's Hospice Association.
Affected children, their siblings and families are directly supported. No money is given; services are rendered directly. If, for instance, a barrier-free bathroom or toilet has to be built, a medical assessment is first carried out by our Advisory Board member, Dr. med. Daniel. Then the construction work is performed, supervised and billed by us and the costs are settled directly by the association.
There are no administrative costs. At regular intervals, we organise our own events or support specific campaigns, the proceeds of which are used to finance the aims of our association. If you want to support us in this important task and make children's dreams come true, kindly send your donation to the following bank account:
Aktion Kinderträume
Verein der Deutschen Fleischwirtschaft e.V.
Bank: Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück
Bank code: 478 535 20
Account number: 2 038 024