
Occupation Day at "von den Steinen"

May 31, 2017

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No degree without affiliation – under this motto, North Rhine-Westphalia launches a nationwide crossover-system which is designed for consistency and efficiency. It focuses on all students at the same time and grants them a successful and purposive start into their apprenticeship or studies. The new crossover-system “Schule-Beruf” (eng. “school occupation”) in NRW supports the students regarding their choice of profession and studies, as well as their entry into apprenticeship and further course of education early on.

The aim is to offer fresh prospects to young people regarding their professional career as soon as possible, and to avoid waiting periods via an effective and locally coordinated overall-system. 

For more information, see:

Since „von den Steinen” already participated in the “GirlsDay” two times and offered young schoolgirls an insight into the working life, we additionally took part in the above-named action this year as well. A student from year eight had the opportunity to talk to our employees, ask questions and get an overview of the workflows in our company. He got an insight in the production and administrative area and therefore was able to learn more about the manifold activities and processes.

The young student named Jan was very interested and asked a lot of questions as well.
He noticed that a successful degree is of utmost importance for any apprenticeship, and was able to get a rough overview of earning opportunities in the metal industry.